Very Fine People (on both sides)
“I’ve got people to the left of me, I’ve got people on the right.” Eric Fresia
I’m Gulf side with a new pencil and a blank page,
watching fears hum and hover
like bees in the salt fog morning.
The Gulf of Mexico, redolent of the high tide
(and times), chaws at the shoreline
from the Yucatan to Pensacola.
The Kleptocrat,
So eloquently dissembled,
“There are very fine people on both sides”.
A statement that free standing almost always rings true.
Very fine people eating, shitting, moving, heating the Earth in infinitesimal increments.
Fine people
reproducing like flesh eating bacteria
on the skin of Mother Earth.
Storms meteorological, metaphysical, political, augment.
Allegories of prescience blow ashore.
He says,
“They bring drugs. They bring crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people”.
Meanwhile the Gulf grows wider
between housed and homeless, jailer and jailed,
possessors and possessed.
A fine edge (of fine people) expands into a broad wedge
that divides
and we survive like cannibal ants
in an abandoned silo.
Senate met with a foregone conclusion
of no collusion but are coconspirators.
Et tu?
Bully, nag, mayhem, murder, avarice unleashed,
and, of course,
fine people on both sides
on fine edge
of fine steel
as fine sand
of the finest beaches
retreats back to the ocean floor.
A fine crack
in the fine cap
of the fine oil well located
on the fine sand
of the fine bottom
of the fine Gulf of Mexico,
allows a fine flow
of fine crude to leech and continue to contaminate and kill.
Gaslighters belch self-serving verbiage, grasping, gorging along their way.
Yet even the most ardent fabulists and prevaricators
acknowledge certain truths.
Self-evident … disregarded.
The author of the Declaration of Independence kept slaves.
A spiritual Battle of Gettysburg
at fever pitch exists. Amongst the gangsters,
preachers, and generals,
amongst the anarchists, professors, and doctors
there are, no doubt,
very fine people on both sides.